COBALT DICKENS Targets Global Universities in Persistent Phishing Campaign
- Actor Motivations: Exfiltration,Financial Gain
- Attack Vectors: Compromised Credentials,Phishing
- Attack Complexity: Low
- Threat Risk: Low Impact/High Probability
Threat Overview
COBALT DICKENS, linked to Iran's Mabna Institute, continues to launch large-scale phishing campaigns targeting universities around the world. In July and August 2019, the group launched a global operation that compromised more than 60 universities in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and Switzerland. Using spoofed login pages for library resources, they stole login credentials through phishing emails. The attackers registered domains using free TLDs and used legitimate SSL certificates to make their phishing infrastructure more convincing. Despite multiple takedowns and indictments, COBALT DICKENS remains active, targeting over 380 universities in more than 30 countries and using free tools and public services to maintain its operations.
Detected Targets
Type | Description | Confidence |
Sector | University | Verified |
Region | Australia | Verified |
Region | Canada | Verified |
Region | Hong Kong | Verified |
Region | Switzerland | Verified |
Region | United Kingdom | Verified |
Region | United States | Verified |
Extracted IOCs
- 1edu[.]in
- aill[.]cf
- aill[.]nl
- anvc[.]me
- atna[.]cf
- atti[.]cf
- azll[.]cf
- azlll[.]cf
- aztt[.]tk
- blibo[.]ga
- cave[.]gq
- ccli[.]cf
- cill[.]ml
- clll[.]nl
- clll[.]tk
- cnen[.]cf
- cnma[.]cf
- cntt[.]cf
- crll[.]tk
- csll[.]cf
- ctll[.]tk
- cvnc[.]ga
- cvve[.]cf
- czll[.]tk
- cztt[.]tk
- ebookfafa[.]com
- eduv[.]icu
- eill[.]cf
- eill[.]ga
- eill[.]nl
- e-library[.]me
- elll[.]cf
- etll[.]cf
- euca[.]cf
- euce[.]in
- ezll[.]tk
- ezplog[.]in
- ezproxy[.]tk
- eztt[.]tk
- fill[.]cf
- flil[.]cf
- flll[.]cf
- iell[.]tk
- illl[.]cf
- ills[.]cf
- iull[.]tk
- izll[.]tk
- jhbn[.]me
- jlll[.]cf
- lett[.]cf
- lib1[.]bid
- lib1[.]pw
- liba[.]gq
- libb[.]ga
- libe[.]ga
- libe[.]ml
- libf[.]ga
- libg[.]cf
- libg[.]ga
- libg[.]gq
- libg[.]tk
- libk[.]ga
- libloan[.]xyz
- libm[.]ga
- libnicinfo[.]xyz
- librarylog[.]in
- libraryme[.]ir
- lib-service[.]com
- libt[.]ga
- libt[.]ml
- libu[.]gq
- libver[.]ml
- lill[.]gq
- lill[.]pro
- llbt[.]tk
- llib[.]cf
- llib[.]ga
- llic[.]cf
- llic[.]tk
- llii[.]cf
- llii[.]xyz
- llil[.]cf
- llil[.]nl
- llit[.]cf
- llit[.]site
- lliv[.]nl
- lliv[.]tk
- lllf[.]nl
- lllib[.]cf
- llli[.]nl
- llse[.]cf
- lzll[.]cf
- mlib[.]cf
- mlibo[.]ml
- ncll[.]tk
- ncnc[.]cf
- nctt[.]tk
- necr[.]ga
- nicn[.]gq
- nika[.]ga
- nimc[.]cf
- nimc[.]ga
- nimc[.]ml
- nlll[.]cf
- nsae[.]ml
- ntll[.]tk
- nuec[.]cf
- nuec[.]ml
- rill[.]cf
- rnva[.]cf
- rtll[.]tk
- savantaz[.]cf
- sctt[.]cf
- shibboleth[.]link
- sitl[.]tk
- slli[.]cf
- stll[.]tk
- till[.]cf
- titt[.]cf
- tlll[.]cf
- tsll[.]cf
- ttil[.]nl
- uill[.]cf
- uitt[.]tk
- ulibe[.]ml
- ulibr[.]ga
- ulll[.]cf
- ulll[.]tk
- umlib[.]ml
- umll[.]tk
- uncr[.]me
- unie[.]ga
- unie[.]gq
- unie[.]ml
- uni-lb[.]com
- unin[.]icu
- unip[.]cf
- unip[.]ga
- unip[.]gq
- unip[.]ml
- unir[.]cf
- unir[.]ga
- unir[.]gq
- unir[.]ml
- unisv[.]xyz
- univ[.]red
- unll[.]tk
- untc[.]ir
- untc[.]me
- untf[.]me
- unts[.]me
- unvc[.]me
- utll[.]tk
- vsre[.]cf
- vtll[.]cf
- web2lib[.]info
- xill[.]tk
- zedviros[.]ir
- zill[.]cf
Tip: 159 related IOCs (0 IP, 159 domain, 0 URL, 0 email, 0 file hash) to this threat have been found.
Source: Proofpoint - October 2019
Detection (38 cases): aill[.]nl, azll[.]cf, blibo[.]ga, cill[.]ml, clll[.]tk, cnen[.]cf, cvve[.]cf, eill[.]cf, eill[.]ga, eill[.]nl, elll[.]cf, fill[.]cf, flil[.]cf, flll[.]cf, illl[.]cf, ills[.]cf, jlll[.]cf, liba[.]gq, libb[.]ga, libe[.]ga, libf[.]ga, libk[.]ga, libm[.]ga, libt[.]ga, libver[.]ml, llii[.]xyz, llit[.]cf, llli[.]nl, lllib[.]cf, lzll[.]cf, mlibo[.]ml, nlll[.]cf, ntll[.]tk, nuec[.]cf, stll[.]tk, tlll[.]cf, ulll[.]tk, vtll[.]cf
Source: Secureworks - August 2018
Detection (21 cases): anvc[.]me, ebookfafa[.]com, eduv[.]icu, jhbn[.]me, lib-service[.]com, nimc[.]cf, uncr[.]me, unie[.]ga, unie[.]ml, unin[.]icu, unip[.]cf, unip[.]gq, unir[.]cf, unir[.]gq, unir[.]ml, unisv[.]xyz, univ[.]red, untc[.]me, untf[.]me, unts[.]me, unvc[.]me
Source: Phishlabs - March 2018
Detection (two cases): nsae[.]ml, ulibr[.]ga
Hint: Overlaps are extracted automatically by examining the IOCs associated with all indexed threats and actors.