
Latest Update08/07/2023

At present, CERTFA Radaris not an open-source project. However, we do intend to share the threats analysis datasets publicly to contribute to the research community. Future modifications may be made to the project's capabilities or our approach. As a result, all significant updates to this project will be documented and can be found at the following page:


- 15.06.2023 - v0.1.6 - beta release

* Clustering added to actors insights
* Alerts & notice section added to project
* New analytical details added to insights

- 11.06.2023 - v0.1.5 - unreleased

* Actors activity analysis added

- 26.05.2023 - v0.1.4 - unreleased

* Overlaps detection added to threats feed pages
* Threats Feed index added to the project
* Actors Insights index added to the project
* Affiliation link added
* Introduction section added to actors insights
* IOCs download link fixed 

- 20.03.2023 - v0.1.3 - unreleased

* Extracted IOCs section added to threats feed pages

- 04.03.2023 - v0.1.2 - unreleased

* Graphical elements and map added to threats feed pages
* Detected targets section added to threats feed pages

- 25.02.2023 - v0.1.1 - unreleased

* Threat overview section added to threats feed pages