Latest Update18/09/2024

Threats Feed

  1. Public

    Credential and Information Theft: APT33's Job Scam Campaign

    Iranian APT33 has been detected running a phishing campaign that employs fake job scams to lure victims. The campaign aims for credential theft, information theft, and unauthorized remote access. While the targeted sectors and countries are not specified, the indicators of compromise involve domain names like "www[.]global-careers[.]org" and filenames such as "" and "JobDescription.vbe".

    read more about Credential and Information Theft: APT33's Job Scam Campaign
  2. Public

    APT33 Elevates C2 Capabilities with New PowerShell Malware

    The article provides a detailed analysis of a sophisticated PowerShell malware linked to APT33, a notable cyber threat group. It examines a specific file associated with this malware, highlighting its capabilities and behaviors. The malware includes a variety of functions such as privilege escalation, data encryption and decryption, file uploading and downloading, and a mechanism for capturing screenshots. It also features a complex command structure for interacting with a control server, and implements persistence methods through WMI event filters and registry modifications. The analysis contributes to the broader understanding of APT33's tactics and tools.

    read more about APT33 Elevates C2 Capabilities with New PowerShell Malware