Actors Insights|Latest update16/10/2024


Named by SentinelOneSuspected state sponsor: Islamic Republic of Iran
First Seen:Feb 2022
Last Seen:Mar 2022
Indexed Reports:2
Public IOCs:21
Cluster: Charming KittenMisp: APT35
also known as:
APT35 (Mandiant)COBALT MIRAGE (SecureWorks)G0059 (Mitre)Magic Hound (Palo Alto)Mint Sandstorm (Microsoft)Newscaster Team (Symantec)PHOSPHORUS (Microsoft)

Targeted Regions

Middle East
Middle East
Middle East
Feb 2022 ~ Feb 2022
Feb 2022 ~ Feb 2022
United States
United States
United States
Feb 2022 ~ Feb 2022
Feb 2022 ~ Feb 2022
Jan 2022Nov 2024

Disclaimer: We are working on indexing and analyzing relevant data and this process is not fully completed yet. Therefore, displayed details and statistics may will change in the future.