Actors Insights|Latest update29/08/2024


Named by NoneSuspected state sponsor: Islamic Republic of Iran
First Seen:Oct 2023
Last Seen:Nov 2023
Indexed Reports:3
Public IOCs:6
Cluster: MiscellaneousMitre: Tonto TeamMisp: Tonto Team
also known as:
BRONZE HUNTLEYCOPPERCactusPeteEarth AkhlutG0131 (Mitre)Karma PandaPLA Unit 65017Red BeifangTAG-74Tonto Team

Targeted Regions

Oct 2023 ~ Nov 2023
Oct 2023 ~ Nov 2023
Oct 2023 ~ Oct 2023
Oct 2023 ~ Nov 2023
Oct 2023 ~ Nov 2023
Oct 2023 ~ Nov 2023
Jan 2023Dec 2024

Targeted Sectors

DefenseInformation Technology

Disclaimer: We are working on indexing and analyzing relevant data and this process is not fully completed yet. Therefore, displayed details and statistics may will change in the future.